Farhat Hachet, Paris
Paintings on wood
Acrylics, spray paint and stencils on wood (framed with aluminium)

“Framing machine n°1” - 100x70 cm

“Framing machine n°2” - 70x50 cm

Framing machine n°3” - 70x50 cm

“Propagating machine n°3” - 70x50 cm

“Polarizing machine” - 35x50 cm

“Sensing machine n°6” - 100x70 cm

“Sensing machine n°5” - 35x50 cm

“Sensing machine n°4” - 50x70 cm
Killer whales in 4 components
Resin multiples of Killer whales realized in 4 parts composed together, each one in different tints variants.
25x10x10 cm - Limited edition of 50 pieces with wood base

“Defined killer whale” sculpture
Mixed media sculpture, 72x35x42 cm. Unique piece.

Compressed killer whales
Resin multiples of compressed Killer whales in color variants. 13x20x22cm (base 15x15x ~15cm)
Limited edition of 20 pieces with variants of ground section as base.

3d artworks on wood
Resin multiples of polar bear sculpture, in color variants, painted and placed on a painted wood panel.
70x50 cm version with 9 variants of dark and color intervention; unique piece.
Single 30x30 cm versions as limited edition of 20 variants

Limited edition prints
70x50 cm stencil prints in edition of 40 pieces with background color and red strokes variants. Realized in 17 tints.

In “Incidence” NEVERCREW work on relationships and on what’s within; on effects and consequences. “Incidence” is about visible and invisible, true and contrived, in the connection between humankind and nature, with natural beings and with the territory, with the environment and with systems.
“Incidence” of something that could violently or imperceptibly affect the entire environment and our own nature; “Incidence” of light rays coming from the Sun that show us the truth, or coming from sources that can control the visual result; “incidence” of our gazes from our own points of view; “incidence” of and on reality itself; “Incidence” as signs left in time, as simple attestation of life going on, or as warnings.
In these new series of artworks NEVERCREW reflect then on the importance of deeds, of the understanding of the position that each one have into its personal system and in the entire environment; of the awareness of each one’s responsibility in perceiving and defining a direction.